Performances:  November 14-16, 2025


Originally produced in New York in 1991, this darkly funny examination of the legend of folk heros Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday and the powerful mythology of the O.K. Corral gunfight gives special emphasis to the lives of the women whose fortunes were inextricably linked to theirs: Matty Blaylock, Wyatt’s first wife, Josie, her rival for Wyatt’s affections, and Katie Elder, the woman Doc could never quite get away from. The Clantons and McLowerys, the saloon girls, and the mysterious accordion player everybody would like to kill, all help texture this rich and vivid study of the seductive and suicidal worship of violence that is a dark part of American culture and history.

Auditions to be held in August 2025

The Crew of Camelot Theatre’s Production of 


Directed by Logan Fagin