Performance Dates: April 26-28, 2024

The Crew of Camelot Theatre’s Production of
Little House on the Prairie the Musical
Directed by:
Brad D Fowler
Music Direction by:
Jolicia Ratliff

It is the 1880s, and the US government is opening new land for settlers in Dakota Territory. The whole country is on the move. Young LAURA INGALLS longs to move west (Thunder). Her father, CHARLES (“PA”), has to convince her mother, CAROLINE (“MA”), that moving west would present new opportunities. Ma is unsure about moving again and is worried about the hard-ships the family will undoubtedly face in settling untamed land, but she ultimately agrees to follow her and Pa’s shared dream of making a better life for their family, and the Ingalls family heads west (Up Ahead). Pa decides to settle near the new town of De Smet, though Laura wishes to keep on journeying (The Prairie Moves). When Pa travels to the Land Office to file his homestead claim, he meets a young homesteader, ALMANZO WILDER, who has decided to settle on his own (Old Enough). Pa returns to his family, and over several months, they build a little house on the prairie (Make It Home).
Laura, MARY, and CARRIE start school in De Smet, where they meet snobbish NELLIE OLESON, who looks down at Laura’s rough-and-tumble ways (Country Girls). Laura has a hard time adjusting to school, and causes a major disruption in the classroom (Rock). All three Ingalls sisters are sent home, as Laura and her mother consider how different Laura is from Mary (How Can You Be So Good?).
A winter of dangerous blizzards closes in and supply trains stop running. The people of De Smet are running out of food (Uncle Sam, Where are You?). Almanzo Wilder and Cap Garland set out to find wheat to save the town (Blizzard). Mary, Carrie and Ma become very sick, and Pa blames himself for the risk he took in leading his family out west into such peril and hardship (Tin Cup). Almanzo and Cap find the wheat, but Mary grows weak, and her vision begins to fail. Laura reassures her sister and vows to help her (I’ll Be Your Eyes).
The long winter ends. Pa and Ma hope for a good crop (Almost Wheat). At a Fourth of July celebration, the Ingalls sisters watch Almanzo compete in a horse race (Go Like The Wind). Almanzo asks Lau-ra to go buggy riding, but when a prairie fire destroys the wheat crop, the Ingalls family is penniless. Sacrificing her own personal freedom, Laura agrees to teach at a school twelve miles away to help pay Mary’s tuition at a college for the blind (I’ll Be Your Eyes Reprise).
Act 2
Ma and Pa prepare to send Laura and Mary from home, in two different directions (The Prairie Moves Reprise). Laura starts teaching at the Brewster School, while Mary heads to college in Vinton, Iowa (Prairie Strong). A be-leaguered MRS. BREWSTER resents having Laura stay with her and makes life miserable. In De Smet, Nellie Oleson laments over missing Laura (Without An Enemy).
Laura struggles to manage her classroom, and Mary adjusts to life away from home (How Can You Be So Good Reprise). Almanzo surprises Laura by coming in his sleigh to take her home for weekends (Faster).
As weeks go by, Laura begins to make progress with her teaching, but Mrs. Brewster grows more openly despondent over her feelings of being trapped in the untamed and empty land as she must “obey” her husband (Teach The Wind). Fearful she may be journeying down a similar path, Laura tells a startled Almanzo she’s not interested in anything more than free rides (Leaving). Laura successfully finishes the term while Mary thrives in college (Make It Home Reprise). When Laura returns to De Smet, she discovers that Mary has found her own way to pay for college and Almanzo is riding with Nellie Oleson. Laura doesn’t know what will make her life meaningful and happy any-more (My Restless Heart).
Time passes, and De Smet continues to grow and thrive (Prairie Strong Reprise). Laura, in spite of her fears, continues to be drawn to Almanzo while at the same time re-mains unhappy with her life and unsure of her future. She struggles to be the responsible grown woman she envisions she must be. Ma advises Laura to always keep her wild spirit (Wild Child) and Laura is finally set free. When Almanzo proposes, Laura agrees to marry him, as long as she will not have to obey him (Faster/The Prairie Moves Reprise).
Laura and Almanzo marry, and the Ingalls family and the people of De Smet look forward to a bright and happy future (Go Like The Wind/Finale).
Laura Ingalls:
Charles “Pa” Ingalls:
Laura’s father. A hunter, trapper, carpenter, and adventurer, Pa is constantly seeking a better life for his family.
In real life: Charles Philip Ingalls (1836-1902) was born in New York State. Charles Ingalls spent much of his life moving around the American frontier looking for new opportunities and security for his family. He served as a Justice of the Peace in De Smet, and was respected as one of the town’s founding citizens.
Caroline “Ma” Ingalls:
Laura’s mother. Gentle and caring, but strong and determined, Ma wants her daughters to have an education and lead civilized lives.
Mary Ingalls:
Carrie Ingalls:
Mr. Boast:
Almanzo Wilder:
Mr. Oleson:
Miss Wilder:
Willie Oleson:
Cap Garland:
Nellie Oleson:
a town storekeeper.